Saturday, April 6, 2013

As true Pacific North Westerner's, Kyle and I both grew up razor clam digging. Granted, neither of us actually eat them but digging them is another story (and both of our dad's are happy to take care of our limits). So since a nice day and a clam tide were finally coinciding, we took the Little Red for her first clam digging adventure.

She was excited to hold her own bag.

My favorite.

She might have been a little confused, since she kept trying to fill up the holes that everyone was digging...while they were digging them.

At one point, she stood in a hole and tried to walk out and her boots stayed put. This was basically thrilling and The Little Red refused to put them back on.

Then in an instant, she went from full speed to sleepy. Must have been all the beach air. 

We brushed off as much sand as possible, Claire snacked on some chips, and was asleep in her carseat before we hit the highway.

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