Friday, January 4, 2013

Claire's daddy is a simple man. The things he loves are simple (aside from me of course). He loves fireworks, zombie shows, America, and bacon... but most of all, he loves the snow. When even the slightest dusting hits our area, Kyle's eyes light up and he literally sings "it's snowing, it's snowing" and runs around the house in a gleeful celebration. Whether it's nurture or nature, my child shares his exuberant joy for life (pretty fantastic quality to pass along to your child if you ask me) so we've been excited to see what she would think of the snow now that she's old enough to enjoy it.

I thought about holding off on a snow post, in case we actually get some full-blown, snowman-building, angel-making snow but then I remembered that we live in Washington, and counting on that happening isn't exactly a safe bet. So here it is:

I see the beginnings of a snow super's genetic.

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