Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A few days after we brought Holden home, we did a mini-shoot. I love my babies but I'm not one of those mom's who adores the newborn stage. It might be the fact that I'm 0 for 2 in the good-sleeper category but in my experience, the older your baby gets, the more fun it is (and the more rested you are). But since this is more than likely our last baby, I've found myself a little more sentimental about each passing stage. There is just something about a hairy-shouldered baby with his little legs pulled up to his belly. Bright-eyed and peaceful.

I can't wait for this little guy to get older. To watch him grow. Find out who he is. Too see what's going on behind these eyes that I can't stop staring at. But through my fatigue, I'm slowing down to breathe in my baby. To know and love him for who he is at this moment.

I leave you with a pirate face outtake. He gets it from his sister.

1 comment:

  1. Such an adorable photo shoot! I completely agree that I'm not a baby person, but knew that Gwenna was our last so I just 'breathe her in'. I'm loving 18months. Just look at every sleepless night as a 2-cup of coffee kind of morning.
