Thursday, March 14, 2013

So I've been contemplating a Project 365 for a while now. Project 365, meaning, 1 picture per day, every day for a year. Now, let's be honest, I'm currently not that far off from a picture per day but the commitment of  photographing my life (again, let's be honest, by my life, I mean Claire) every day is kind of daunting. Daunting but exciting. So I'm doing it. I'm taking the plunge and committing to a picture a day, starting on the Little Red's 2nd Birthday. Officially committed.

In honor of my Project 365 commitment, some pictures of our "everyday".

Aren't little girls' clothes the cutest? Hearts on the knees? Stop, you're killing me!

Oh right, and there's also a flashlight.

We were heading to Costco and when we got to the door Claire said "I need purse!". Of course. Then she ran over and grabbed a flashlight (because there are literally dozens of flashlights in my house) and slung it over her arm like and purse and ran back to the door. Problem solved. 

Then the neighbor cat ran over to play. Claire loves this weird cat. I think he's weird at least...but then again  I don't know many cats.

Here she was yelling "SEADOO (aka Cedar) come BACKKKKKKKK!"

See, I can do it. One photo per day. In the bag.

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